Whether you are a surgeon, nurse or security guard, as an employee of an UMC you can make use of UMC Zorgverzekering. Healthcare insurance by and for UMC employees. You take care of others at work, but outside work you also want to get good care yourself. With UMC Zorgverzekering, you receive generous compensation and a discount on the supplementary insurance. And many collective benefits.
*in Dutch
The English translation of the online form is found here.
Click below on the collectivity number of your UMC that suits your situation to calculate your personal premium.
Employed: 40714
AIOS: 41851 Young adults: 40716 Retired: 40715
Employed: 40481 AIOS: 41853Young adults: 40483Retired: 40482
Employed: 41024 AIOS: 15506Young adults: 41026Retired: 41025
Employed: 40988 AIOS: 41861 Young adults: 40990 Retired: 40989
Employed: 39933 AIOS: 41855 Young adults: 39935 Retired: 39934
Employed: 39218 AIOS: 41859 Young adults: 39220 Retired: 39219
Employed: 37323 AIOS: 41857Young adults: 37325Retired: 37324
Under the Health Insurance Act (Zorgverzekeringswet), all residents of the Netherlands have to take out basic national health insurance. The exact reimbursements included in this basic package are determined by the government each year. The basic national health insurance covers standard medical expenses such as general practitioners, hospitals and pharmaceutical expenses. Each health insurance company is free to set the premium for this package.
Supplementary insurance can be taken out for expenses that are not included in the national health insurance. Reimbursements and premiums vary per health insurance company.
The national health insurance has a statutory excess. The government determined that the excess for this year is € 385. This excess applies to anyone with health insurance aged 18 and up. You can also opt, besides the statutory excess, for an additional voluntary excess of € 0, € 100, € 200, € 300, € 400 or € 500. The level of your premium is proportionate to your voluntary excess. This allows you to set your own premium amount.
Do you have any questions regarding UMC Zorgverzekering or the Dutch health insurance system in general? Please feel free to contact us at 0900 - 80 18 (regular phone costs).
You can find all the documents in English on this page